Sample of autorun virus:
If your computer is infected with autorun virus, you will not be able to view the drives. Instead it will ask for open with option when you double click on a drive. It applies for all the drives. You can view the files only through windows explorer. Autorun virus enters a pc when we use cd rom which is autorun cd. Most of the antivirus software removes this virus as soon as a threat is detected. If not scan the entire sytem for viruses. Few antivirus software that i have used are 1. AVG 2. Avira 3. Panda 4. Symantec. you can protect your computer to install antivirus on computer.
Follow the steps:
1. Scan your system for viruses. Scan for each drive.
2. This is will fix the problem. The antivirus your using will remove this virus.
3. Otherwise continue your task. There are several manual removal tools like autorun eater 2.4. It worked for me.
4. Even this does not work. Try it manually.
go to command prompt type c: atrrib-h-s-r autorun.inf
del c:\autorun.inf
del c:\
GvP PG College, ViZaG
+91 9177750037
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