Facebook has become one of the most visited site in the world, and the most visited site in US. It has a userbase of around 450 million people which is growing everyday. Hence it can be a major source of traffic if utilized properly. So it become a necessity to involve facebook in your content and provide your visitors ways to share your content on their facebook profile.
Facebook also wants their users to share third party content with their friends, and this motivates them to create ways to allow their users to do so. After launching their facebook sharing count buttons, Facebook has recently released a like button which allows bloggers or webmasters to provide their readers a way to share their content even more easy and fast more specifically with just one click and no popups.
How to add a facebook like button on your blog ?
Demo: The facebook like button looks like this: Try it.
I am going to explain the installation on blogger or blogspot blogs.
1. Login to your blogger account. Go to your blog's Layout panel and then go to the Edit HTML.
2. Now click the Expand Widget Templates check box.
3. Now in the template search for <data:post.body/> and just after this line paste the following code.
<iframe src="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=data%3Apost.url&layout=standard&show_faces=true&width=450&action=like&colorscheme=light" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:50px"></iframe>
4. Now save the template and you are done.
If you want to change the text which appear on the button, just change the action=like to say action=recommend and the resulting button will look like this:
For putting facebook like button on websites and for further customization, Just follow this link.
@ Mohan
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