List of hello world programs
Hello, world! programs make the text "Hello, world!" appear on a computer screen. It is usually the first program encountered when learning a programming language. Otherwise, it's a basic sanity check for an installation of a new programming language. If "Hello World" won't run, one must not try and develop complex programs before fixing the issues with the installation.
] |
[edit]4DOS batch
It should be noted that the 4DOS/4NT batch language is a superset of the MS-DOS batch language.
@echo Hello, world!
[edit]Ingres 4GL
message "Hello, world!" with style = popup;
[edit]ABAP - SAP AG
REPORT ZELLO. WRITE 'Hello, world!'.
WRITE "Hello, world!"
[edit]ActionScript 1.0 and 2.0
This will output to the output window only, which an end user would not see.
trace("Hello, world!");
This version will be visible to the end user. Use of _root to clarify scope only.
var helloWorld:TextField = _root.createTextField( "helloWorld", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), 1, 1, 100, 20 ); helloWorld.text = "Hello, world!";
[edit]ActionScript 3
package { import flash.display.Sprite; public class HelloWorld extends Sprite { public function HelloWorld() { trace("Hello, world!"); } } }
with TEXT_IO; procedure HELLO is begin TEXT_IO.PUT_LINE ("Hello, world!"); end HELLO;
For explanation see Ada Programming:Basic.
[edit]ALGOL 68
The ALGOL 68 standard requires that reserved-words, types and operators are in a different typeface. Hence programs are typically published in either bold or an underline typeface, eg:
begin printf($"Hello, world!"l$) end
In the popular upper-case stropping convention for bold words:
BEGIN printf($"Hello, world!"l$) END
or using a wikitext like quote stropping, this is especially suitable on computers with only 6 bits per character (hence only have UPPERCASE):
or minimally using the "brief symbol" form of begin and end.
( printf($"Hello, world!"l$) )
PROC main() WriteF('Hello, world!'); ENDPROC
[edit]AMX NetLinx
This program sends the message out via the Diagnostics Interface after start-up.
program_name = 'Hello' define_start send_string 0,'Hello World!'
An explicit return function for the Hello, world! program may be coded as follows (note: TeX fonts are not correct)
- The Del on the first line begins function definition for the program named HWΔPGM. It is a niladic function (no parameters, as opposed to monadic or dyadic) and it will return an explicit result which allows other functions or APL primitives to use the returned value as input.
- The line labelled 1 assigns the text vector 'Hello, world!' to the variable R
- The last line is another Del which ends the function definition.
When the function is executed by typing its name, the APL interpreter assigns the text vector to the variable R, but since we have not used this value in another function, primitive, or assignment statement the interpreter returns it to the terminal, thus displaying the words on the next line below the function invocation.
The session would look like this
HWΔPGM Hello, world!
While not a program, if you simply supplied the text vector to the interpreter but did not assign it to a variable it would return it to the terminal as output. Note that user input is automatically indented 6 spaces by the interpreter while results are displayed at the beginning of a new line.
'Hello, world!' Hello, world!
See also GUI section.
return "Hello, world!"
<% Response.Write("Hello, world!") %>
- or simply:
<%= "Hello, world!" %>
// in the code behind using C# protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Write("Hello, world!"); }
// ASPX Page Template <asp:Literal ID="Literal1" runat="server" Text="Hello World!">asp:Literal>
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Hello World">asp:Label>
Hello World!
[edit]Assembly language
[edit]Accumulator-only architecture: DEC PDP-8, PAL-III assembler
See the example section of the PDP-8 article.
[edit]First successful uP/OS combinations: Intel 8080/Zilog Z80, CP/M, RMAC assembler
bdos equ 0005H ; BDOS entry point start: mvi c,9 ; BDOS function: output string lxi d,msg$ ; address of msg call bdos ret ; return to CCP msg$: db 'Hello, world!$' end start
[edit]Popular home computer: ZX Spectrum, Zilog Z80, HiSoft GENS assembler
10 ORG #8000 ; Start address of the routine 20 START LD A,2 ; set the output channel 30 CALL #1601 ; to channel 2 (main part of TV display) 40 LD HL,MSG ; Set HL register pair to address of the message 50 LOOP LD A,(HL) ; De-reference HL and store in A 60 CP 0 ; Null terminator? 70 RET Z ; If so, return 80 RST #10 ; Print the character in A 90 INC HL ; HL points at the next char to be printed 100 JR LOOP 110 MSG DEFM "Hello, world!" 120 DEFB 13 ; carriage return 130 DEFB 0 ; null terminator
[edit]Accumulator + index register machine: MOS Technology 6502, CBM KERNEL, MOS assembler syntax
A_CR = $0D ;carriage return BSOUT = $FFD2 ;kernel ROM sub, write to current output device ; LDX #$00 ;starting index in .X register ; LOOP LDA MSG,X ;read message text BEQ LOOPEND ;end of text ; JSR BSOUT ;output char INX BNE LOOP ;repeat ; LOOPEND RTS ;return from subroutine ; MSG .BYT 'Hello, world!',A_CR,$00
[edit]Accumulator/Index microcoded machine: Data General Nova, RDOS
See the example section of the Nova article.
[edit]Expanded accumulator machine: Intel x86, DOS, TASM
MODEL SMALL IDEAL STACK 100H DATASEG MSG DB 'Hello, world!', 13, '$' CODESEG Start: MOV AX, @data MOV DS, AX MOV DX, OFFSET MSG MOV AH, 09H ; DOS: output ASCII$ string INT 21H MOV AX, 4C00H INT 21H END Start
.MODEL Small .STACK 100h .DATA db msg 'Hello, world!$' .CODE start: mov ah, 09h lea dx, msg ; or mov dx, offset msg int 21h mov ax,4C00h int 21h end start
; FASM example of writing 16-bit DOS .COM program ; Compile: "FASM HELLO.ASM HELLO.COM" org $100 use16 mov ah,9 mov dx,xhello int $21 ; DOS call: text output mov ah,$4C int $21 ; Return to DOS xhello db 'Hello world !!!$'
[edit]Expanded accumulator machine: Intel x86, Microsoft Windows, FASM
Example of making 32-bit PE program as raw code and data:
format PE GUI entry start section '.code' code readable executable start: push 0 push _caption push _message push 0 call [MessageBox] push 0 call [ExitProcess] section '.data' data readable writeable _caption db 'Win32 assembly program',0 _message db 'Hello, world!',0 section '.idata' import data readable writeable dd 0,0,0,RVA kernel_name,RVA kernel_table dd 0,0,0,RVA user_name,RVA user_table dd 0,0,0,0,0 kernel_table: ExitProcess dd RVA _ExitProcess dd 0 user_table: MessageBox dd RVA _MessageBoxA dd 0 kernel_name db 'KERNEL32.DLL',0 user_name db 'USER32.DLL',0 _ExitProcess dw 0 db 'ExitProcess',0 _MessageBoxA dw 0 db 'MessageBoxA',0 section '.reloc' fixups data readable discardable
Using FASM import macro, unicode (MessageBoxW is one of few unicode functions 'supported' by Windows 9x/ME) and section sharing, no relocation (not needed for executables), no heap - Not a beginners example but only 1024 instead of 3072 bytes:
include 'd:\dev\software\common\fasmw\' format PE GUI 4.0 heap 0 entry start section '.text' code import readable executable data library kernel, 'KERNEL32.DLL',\ user,'USER32.DLL' import kernel,\ ExitProcess, 'ExitProcess' import user,\ MessageBoxW, 'MessageBoxW' start: xor ebx, ebx push ebx push ebx push _message push ebx call [MessageBoxW] push ebx call [ExitProcess] _message du 'Hello, world!' ,0
[edit]Expanded accumulator machine: Intel x86, Linux, FASM
format ELF executable entry _start _start: mov eax, 4 mov ebx, 1 mov ecx, msg mov edx, msg_len int 0x80 msg db 'Hello, world!', 0xA msg_len = $-msg
[edit]Expanded accumulator machine:Intel x86, Linux, GAS
.data msg: .ascii "Hello, world!\n" len = . - msg .text .global _start _start: movl $len,%edx movl $msg,%ecx movl $1,%ebx movl $4,%eax int $0x80 movl $0,%ebx movl $1,%eax int $0x80
[edit]Expanded accumulator machine: Intel x86, Linux, NASM
section .data msg db 'Hello, world!',0xA len equ $-msg section .text global _start _start: mov edx,len mov ecx,msg mov ebx,1 mov eax,4 int 0x80 mov ebx,0 mov eax,1 int 0x80
[edit]Expanded accumulator machine: Intel x86, Linux, GLibC, NASM
extern printf ; Request symbol "printf". global main ; Declare symbol "main". section .data str: DB "Hello World!", 0x0A, 0x00 section .text main: PUSH str ; Push string pointer onto stack. CALL printf ; Call printf. POP eax ; Remove value from stack. MOV eax,0x0 ; \_Return value 0. RET ; /
[edit]General-purpose fictional computer: MIX, MIXAL
TERM EQU 19 console device no. (19 = typewriter) ORIG 1000 start address START OUT MSG(TERM) output data at address MSG HLT halt execution MSG ALF "HELLO" ALF " WORL" ALF "D " END START end of program
[edit]General-purpose fictional computer: MMIX, MMIXAL
string BYTE "Hello, world!",#a,0 string to be printed (#a is newline and 0 terminates the string) Main GETA $255,string get the address of the string in register 255 TRAP 0,Fputs,StdOut put the string pointed to by register 255 to file StdOut TRAP 0,Halt,0 end process
[edit]General-purpose-register CISC: DEC PDP-11
[edit]RT-11, MACRO-11
[edit]Variant for Elektronika BK using BIOS function, MICRO-11
MOV #TXT,R1 ;Moving string address to R1 CLR R2 ;String length=0, means null will be the termination character EMT 20 ;Print the string HALT TXT: .ASCIZ /Hello, world!/ .END
[edit]CISC Amiga (Workbench 2.0): Motorola 68000
include lvo/exec_lib.i include lvo/dos_lib.i ; open DOS library movea.l 4.w,a6 lea dosname(pc),a1 moveq #36,d0 jsr _LVOOpenLibrary(a6) movea.l d0,a6 ; actual print string lea hellostr(pc),a0 move.l a0,d1 jsr _LVOPutStr(a6) ; close DOS library movea.l a6,a1 movea.l 4.w,a6 jsr _LVOCloseLibrary(a6) rts dosname dc.b 'dos.library',0 hellostr dc.b 'Hello, world!',0
[edit]CISC Atari: Motorola 68000
;print move.l #Hello,-(A7) move.w #9,-(A7) trap #1 addq.l #6,A7 ;wait for key move.w #1,-(A7) trap #1 addq.l #2,A7 ;exit clr.w -(A7) trap #1 Hello dc.b 'Hello, world!',0
[edit]CISC on advanced multiprocessing OS: DEC VAX, VMS, MACRO-32
.title hello .psect data, wrt, noexe chan: .blkw 1 iosb: .blkq 1 term: .ascid "SYS$OUTPUT" msg: .ascii "Hello, world!" len = . - msg .psect code, nowrt, exe .entry hello, ^m<> ; Establish a channel for terminal I/O $assign_s devnam=term, - chan=chan blbc r0, end ; Queue the I/O request $qiow_s chan=chan, - func=#io$_writevblk, - iosb=iosb, - p1=msg, - p2=#len ; Check the status and the IOSB status blbc r0, end movzwl iosb, r0 ; Return to operating system end: ret .end hello
[edit]Mainframe: IBM z/Architecture series using BAL
HELLO CSECT The name of this program is 'HELLO' USING *,12 Tell assembler what register we are using SAVE (14,12) Save registers LR 12,15 Use Register 12 for this program WTO 'Hello, world!' Write To Operator RETURN (14,12) Return to calling party END HELLO This is the end of the program
[edit]RISC processor: ARM, RISC OS, BBC BASIC's in-line assembler
.program ADR R0,message SWI "OS_Write0" SWI "OS_Exit" .message DCS "Hello, world!" DCB 0 ALIGN
or the even smaller version (from qUE);
SWI"OS_WriteS":EQUS"Hello, world!":EQUB0:ALIGN:MOVPC,R14
[edit]RISC processor: MIPS architecture
.data msg: .asciiz "Hello, world!" .align 2 .text .globl main main: la $a0,msg li $v0,4 syscall jr $ra
[edit]RISC processor: PowerPC, Mac OS X, GAS
.data msg: .ascii "Hello, world!\n" len = . - msg .text .globl _main _main: li r0, 4 ; write li r3, 1 ; stdout addis r4, 0, ha16(msg) ; high 16 bits of address addi r4, r4, lo16(msg) ; low 16 bits of address li r5, len ; length sc li r0, 1 ; exit li r3, 0 ; exit status sc
[edit]Sigma 6/7/8/9 METASYMBOL
MsgBox, Hello, world!
MsgBox(0,'','Hello, world!')
[edit]Avenue - Scripting language for ArcView GIS
MsgBox("Hello, world!","aTitle")
BEGIN { print "Hello, world!" }
This is the first known Hello, world! program ever written:[1]
main( ) { extrn a, b, c; putchar(a); putchar(b); putchar(c); putchar('!*n'); } a 'hell'; b 'o, w'; c 'orld';
[edit]Baan Tools
Also known as Triton Tools on older versions. On Baan ERP you can create a program on 3GL or 4GL mode.
Baan Tools on 3GL Format:
function main() { message("Hello, world!") }
Baan Tools on 4GL Format:
choice.cont.process: on.choice: message("Hello, world!")
On this last case you should press the Continue button to show the message.
Most basic form--
write Hello, *s world *n
[edit]Bash or sh
See also UNIX-style shell.
echo 'Hello, world!'
printf 'Hello, world!\n'
or using the C preprocessor
#!/bin/bash #define cpp # cpp $0 2> /dev/null | /bin/bash; exit $? #undef cpp #define HELLO_WORLD echo "hello, world" HELLO_WORLD | tr a-z A-Z
The following example works for any ANSI/ISO-compliant BASIC implementation, as well as most implementations built into or distributed with microcomputers in the 1970s and 1980s (usually some variant of Microsoft BASIC):
10 PRINT "Hello, world!" 20 END
Note that the "END" statement is optional in many implementations of BASIC.
Some implementations could also execute instructions in an immediate mode when line numbers are omitted. The following examples work without requiring a RUN instruction.
PRINT "Hello, world!"
? "Hello, world!"
Later implementations of BASIC allowed greater support for structured programming and did not require line numbers for source code. The following example works when RUN for the vast majority of modern BASICs.
PRINT "Hello, world!" END
Again, the "END" statement is optional in many BASICs.
Print "Hello, world!" WaitKey
PRINT "Hello, world!" `or TEXT 0,0,"Hello, world!" WAIT KEY
Note: In the "classic" Dark Basic the WAIT KEY command is optional as the console goes up when the program has finished.
[edit]Liberty BASIC
To write to the main window:
print "Hello, world"
Or drawn in a graphics window:
nomainwin open "Hello, world!" for graphics as #main print #main, "place 50 50" print #main, "\Hello, world!" print #main, "flush" wait
[edit]Microsoft Small Basic
TextWindow.WriteLine("Hello, world!")
DEBUG "Hello, world!", CR
or, the typical microcontroller Hello, world! program equivalent with the only output device present being a light-emitting diode (LED) (in this case attached to the seventh output pin):
DO HIGH 7 'Make the 7th pin go high (turn the LED on) PAUSE 500 'Sleep for half a second LOW 7 ' Make the 7th pin go low (turn the LED off) PAUSE 500 'Sleep for half a second LOOP END
[edit]StarOffice/OpenOffice Basic
sub main print "Hello, world!" end sub
OpenConsole() PrintN("Hello, world!") Input()
MessageRequester("Hello, World","Hello, World")
Debug "Hello, World"
On TI calculators of the TI-80 through TI-86 range:
:Disp "Hello, world! (note the optional ending quotes) or :"Hello, world! (only works if on last line of program) or :Output(X,Y,"Hello, world! or :Text(X,Y,"Hello, world! (writes to the graph rather than home screen) or :Text(-1,X,Y,"Hello, world! (only on the 83+ and higher, provides larger text, home screen size)
Note: "!" character is not on the keypad. It can be accessed from "Catalog" or the "Probability" menu (as factorial notation).
On TI-89/TI-89 Titanium/TI-92(+)/Voyage 200 calculators:
:hellowld() :Prgm :Disp "Hello, world!" :EndPrgm
[edit]Visual Basic
Private Sub Form_Load() MsgBox "Hello, world" End Sub
Alternatively, copy this into a New Form:
Private Sub Form_Click() Form1.Hide Dim HelloWorld As New Form1 HelloWorld.Width = 2500: HelloWorld.Height = 1000: HelloWorld.Caption = "Hello, world!": HelloWorld.CurrentX = 500: HelloWorld.CurrentY = 75 HelloWorld.Show: HelloWorld.Font = "Tahoma": HelloWorld.FontBold = True: HelloWorld.FontSize = 12: HelloWorld.Print "Hello, world!" End Sub
[edit]Visual Basic .NET
Module HelloWorldApp Sub Main() System.Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!") End Sub End Module
In addition to the ANSI syntax at the head of this article, most Pick operating system flavors of Dartmouth BASIC support extended syntax allowing cursor placement and other terminfo type functions for VDT's
X, Y positioning (colon ":" is the concatenation instruction):
PRINT @(34,12) : "Hello, world!"
Will display the string "Hello, world!" roughly centered in a 80X24 CRT.
Other functions:
PRINT @(-1) : @(34,12) : "Hello, world!"
Will clear the screen before displaying the string "Hello, world!" roughly centered in a 80X24 CRT.
Syntax variants:
CRT "Hello, world!"
Supporting the "@" functions above, the CRT statement ignores previous PRINTER statements and always sends output to the screen.
Some Pick operating system environments such as OpenQM support the DISPLAY variant of PRINT. This variant in addition to the "@" functions maintains pagination based upon the settings of the TERM variable:
DISPLAY "Hello, world!"
"Hello, world!"
or, with the newline
print "Hello, world!\n"
GET "LIBHDR" LET START () BE $( WRITES ("Hello, world!*N") $)
[edit]BITGGAL AgileDog
T 1 "Hellow, World" 0
[edit]BITGGAL Jihwaja
J( 1 TM 5 ZV 3 "Hellow, world" )
See also GUI Section.
print "Hello, world!"
[edit]Burning Sand 2
WRITE ELEMENT:Earth 210 230 40 CENTER TEXT "Hello World!"
This program will work on the Avasmath 80 online programmable calculator.
[edit]Casio FX-9750
This program will work on the fx-9750 graphing calculator and compatibles.
"Hello, world!"↵
Locate 1,1,"Hello, world!"↵
OBJECT Codeunit 50000 HelloWorld { PROPERTIES { OnRun=BEGIN MESSAGE(Txt001); END; } CODE { VAR Txt001@1000000000 : TextConst 'ENU=Hello, world!'; BEGIN { Hello, world! in C/AL (Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision) } END. } }
#includeint main() { printf("Hello, world!\n"); return 0; }
call echo("Hello, world!")
The above C code can run in Ch as examples. The simple one in Ch is:
printf("Hello, world!\n");
<<<"Hello World">>>;
See also GUI Section.
class HelloWorldApp { static void Main() { System.Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!"); } }
namespace HelloWorld; interface type HelloClass = class public class method Main; end; implementation class method HelloClass.Main; begin System.Console.WriteLine('Hello, world!'); end; end.
#includeusing namespace std; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { cout << "Hello, World!\n"; }
int main() { System::Console::WriteLine("Hello, world!"); }
[edit]C++, Managed (.NET)
#usingusing namespace System; int wmain() { Console::WriteLine("Hello, world!"); }
[edit]ColdFusion (CFML)
Hello, world!
or simply
Hello, world!
PRINT "Hello, world!"
.assembly Hello {} .method public static void Main() cil managed { .entrypoint .maxstack 1 ldstr "Hello, world!" call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string) ret }
[edit]CintieFramework (VisualBasic.NET)
> > System.dll> >Language="VisualBasic">
Public Class Plugin Public Function MainF(ByVal Ob As Object) As String 'Script Code Return "Hello, World!" End Function End Class ]]> > >
module hello Start = "Hello, world!"
PROC 0 WRITE Hello, world!
? "Hello, world!"
@1,1 say "Hello, world!"
Qout("Hello, world")
start_up = proc () po: stream := stream$primary_output () stream$putl (po, "Hello, world!") end start_up
The above is a very abbreviated and condensed version, which omits the author name and source and destination computer types.
Function | Main WriteLine | "Hello, world" End | Main
The '|' refers to the separation of the two text fields in the Cube standard IDE.
import std.stdio ; void main () { writefln("Hello, world!"); }
Tango version:
import; void main() { Stdout ("Hello, world!").newline; }
function main() { screenput "Hello, world!"; }
[edit]DC an arbitrary precision calculator
[Hello, world!]p
[edit]DCL batch
$ write sys$output "Hello, world!"
PROGRAM hello; BEGIN write(0, 0, 0, 0, "Hello, world!"); LOOP FRAME; END END
this::operator() { import system.cstdio; puts("Hello, world!"); }
[edit]Dream Maker
mob Login() ..() world << "Hello, world!"
module: hello format-out("Hello, world!\n");
There are a number of ways to write "Hello, world!" in EAScripting. The following are some ways
[edit]EAS 0.0.1.*
set disp to "Hello, world!" set dispto to item unit 5 //5 = default screen release disp into dispto.
This would be a pure system called by
import system ea.helloworld wait
[edit]Ed and Ex (Ed extended)
a Hello, world!! . p
class HELLO_WORLD create make feature make is do io.put_string("Hello, world!%N") end -- make end -- class HELLO_WORLD
- See also GUI section
-module(hello). -export([hello_world/0]). hello_world() -> io:fwrite("Hello, world!\n").
puts(1, "Hello, world!")
print_endline "Hello, world!"
printfn "Hello, world!"
"Hello, world!" print
or gui version
"Hello, world!"
uses "console"; Console.println("Hello, world!");
@once: mesgbox "Hello, world!" ; exit
"halló" <> stef(;) stofn skrifastreng(;"Halló, veröld!"), stofnlok } * "GRUNNUR" ;
type "Hello, world!",!
t "Hello, world!",!
-TYPE Hellomello, world!
[edit]Forte TOOL
begin TOOL HelloWorld; includes Framework; HAS PROPERTY IsLibrary = FALSE; forward Hello; -- START CLASS DEFINITIONS class Hello inherits from Framework.Object has public method Init; has property shared=(allow=off, override=on); transactional=(allow=off, override=on); monitored=(allow=off, override=on); distributed=(allow=off, override=on); end class; -- END CLASS DEFINITIONS -- START METHOD DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------------------ method Hello.Init begin super.Init(); task.Part.LogMgr.PutLine('Hello, world!'); end method; -- END METHOD DEFINITIONS HAS PROPERTY CompatibilityLevel = 0; ProjectType = APPLICATION; Restricted = FALSE; MultiThreaded = TRUE; Internal = FALSE; LibraryName = 'hellowor'; StartingMethod = (class = Hello, method = Init); end HelloWorld;
: HELLO ( -- ) ." Hello, world!" CR ; HELLO
or instead of compiling a new routine, one can type directly in the Forth interpreter console
CR ." Hello, world!" CR
program hello print*, 'Hello, world!' end
?((pp "Hello, world!"))
pp "Hello, world!"
println["Hello, world!"]
See also GUI section.
PUBLIC SUB Main() Print "Hello, world!" END
[edit]GEMBase 4GL
procedure_form hello begin_block world print "Hello, world!" end_block end_form
[edit]GO (from google)
package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Printf("Hello, world!") }
println "Hello, world!"
[edit]GML (Game Maker Language)
In the draw event of some object:
draw_text(x,y,"Hello, world!")
Or to show a splash screen message:
show_message("Hello, world!")
[edit]GraalScript 1
if (created) { echo Hello, world!; }
[edit]GraalScript 2
function onCreated() { echo("Hello, world!"); }
? "Hello, world!"
@1,1 say "Hello, world!"
Qout("Hello, world")
main = putStrLn "Hello, world!"
class HelloWorldApp { static function main() { trace("Hello, world!"); } }
program HelloWorld; functions { _main() { print_string("Hello, world!"); } } end
[edit]HP 33s
(Handheld Hewlett-Packard RPN-based scientific calculator.)
[edit]HP-41 & HP-42S
(Handheld Hewlett-Packard RPN-based alphanumeric engineering calculators.)
01 LBLTHELLO 02 THello, world! 03 PROMPT
HP-41 output
[edit]HyperTalk (Apple HyperCard's scripting programming language)
put "Hello, world!"
Answer "Hello, world!"
print,"Hello, world!"
[edit]Inform 5/6
[ Main; "Hello, world!"; ];
[edit]Inform 7
Hello World is a room. The printed name is "Hello, world!"
"Hello, world!" println
writeln("Hello, world!")
ON ENTER { "Hello, " "world!" & SAY }
'Hello, world!' NB. echoes the string in interactive mode, doesn't work in script
'Hello World!' 1!:2(2) NB. prints it to (2) - screen, (4) - stdout
include 16f877_20 include hd447804 hd44780_clear hd44780 = "H" hd44780 = "e" hd44780 = "l" hd44780 = "l" hd44780 = "o" hd44780 = " " hd44780 = "W" hd44780 = "o" hd44780 = "r" hd44780 = "l" hd44780 = "d" hd44780 = "!"
See also GUI section.
public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello, world!"); } }
[edit]Java byte-code
(disassembler output of javap -c HelloWorld)
public class HelloWorld extends java.lang.Object{ public HelloWorld(); Code: 0: aload_0 1: invokespecial #1; //Method java/lang/Object."":()V 4: return public static void main(java.lang.String[]); Code: 0: getstatic #2; //Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream; 3: ldc #3; //String Hello, world! 5: invokevirtual #4; //Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V 8: return }
JavaFX is scripting language formerly called F3 for Form Follows Function
Frame { title: "Hello World JavaFX" width: 200 content: Label { text: "Hello World" } visible: true }
This program can also be written in this way:
var win = new Frame(); win.title = "Hello World JavaFX"; win.width = 200; var label = new Label(); label.text = "Hello World"; win.content = label; win.visible = true;
A simple console output version would be:
import java.lang.System; System.out.println("Hello World");
Or even simpler (with a built-in function):
println("Hello World");
JavaScript does not have native (built in) input or output routines. Instead it relies on the facilities provided by its host environment.
Using a standard Web browser's document object
document.writeln('Hello, World!');
or with an alert, using a standard Web browser's window object (window.alert)
alert('Hello, world!');
or, from the Mozilla command line implementation
print('Hello, world!');
or, from the Windows Script Host
WScript.Echo('Hello, world!');
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=WINDOWS-1252"%> <% out.println(" Hello, world!"); %>
or just
<% out.println("Hello, world!"); %>
or literally
Hello, world!
"Hello, world!\n" putchars .
`0:"Hello, world!\n"
WriteLine "Hello, world!"
[edit]KPL (Kids Programming Language)
Program HelloWorld Method Main() ShowConsole() ConsoleWriteLine("Hello, world!") End Method End Program
Output: 'Hello, world!';
Output('Hello, world!');
or simply
'Hello, world!';
[edit]Lexico Mobile (in spanish)
tarea muestre "Hola mundo !"
clase Saludo derivada_de Form publicos mensajes Saludo copie "Hola mundo !" en saludo.Text
implement Command; include "sys.m" sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "sh.m"; init(nil: ref Draw->Context, nil: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; sys->print("Hello, world!!\n"); }
[edit]Linden Scripting Language
Linden Scripting Language is the scripting language used within Second Life
default { state_entry() { llSetText("Hello, World!" , <0,0,0> , 1.0); //or... llSay(0,"Hello, World!"); } }
Livre : HelloWorld Paragraphe : Affichage Actions : "Hello, World !" !
Section Header + name := HELLO_WORLD_PROGRAM; Section Public - main <- ( "Hello world!\n".print; );
Lisp has many dialects that have appeared over its almost fifty-year history.
[edit]Common Lisp
(format t "Hello, world!~%")
(write-line "Hello, world!")
or in the REPL:
"Hello, world!"
(As a string (enclosed in quotes) it evaluates to itself, so is printed.)
(display "Hello, world!\n")
(println "Hello, world!")
[edit]Emacs Lisp
(print "Hello, world!")
(message "Hello, world!")
(print "Hello, world!")
(print "Hello, world!")
(prn "Hello, world!")
print [Hello, world!]
pr [Hello, world!]
In mswlogo only
messagebox [Hi] [Hello, world!]
void create() { write("Hello, world!\n"); }
io.write("Hello, world!\n")
return "Hello, World!"
print("Hello, world")
screen:print(1,1,"Hello, world!") screen:flip()
$print("Hello, world!!\n");
[edit]M (MUMPS)
W "Hello, world!"
[edit]Caché Server Pages (CSP)
Class Test.Hello Extends %CSP.Page [ ProcedureBlock ] { ClassMethod OnPage() As %Status { &html< > Write "Hello, world!",! &html< > Quit $$$OK } }
[edit]M# Fictional Computer Language
main(std:string >>arg<< / OS.GetArg) { std:stream >>CONSOLE<< / OS.Console; CONSOLE:Write([byte]{0048, 0065, 006C, 006C, 006F, 002C, 0058, 006F, 0072, 006C, 0064}); // H e l l o , W o r l d // }
[edit]Command WI
# # DEFINE g >>CONSOLE<< / OS.Console # % proc CONSOLE:Write([byte]{0048, 0065, 006C, 006C, 006F, 002C, 0058, 006F, 0072, 006C, 0064})
[edit]Command WoI
# @ Write([byte]{0048, 0065, 006C, 006C, 006F, 002C, 0058, 006F, 0072, 006C, 0064})
Hello, world!
[edit]Macsyma, Maxima
print("Hello, world!")$
print("Hello, world!");
Print["Hello, world!"]
or simply:
"Hello, world!"
disp('Hello, world!')
fprintf('Hello, world!')
or with a GUI
figure('Position',[100 100 200 200],'MenuBar','none','Name','Hello World'); uicontrol('Style','text','Position',[15 100 150 15],'String','Hello world');
msgbox('Hello World!')
fmod HELLOWORLD is protecting STRING . op helloworld : -> String . eq helloworld = "Hello, world!" . endfm red helloworld .
max v2; #N vpatcher 10 59 610 459; #P message 33 93 63 196617 Hello, world!!; #P newex 33 73 45 196617 loadbang; #P newex 33 111 31 196617 print; #P connect 1 0 2 0; #P connect 2 0 0 0; #P pop;
[edit]Maya Embedded Language
print( "Hello, world!\n" );
var x:String::allocated[on[0]]; x:="Hello World"; // allocated on process 0 only proc 1 { // This is displayed by process 1, auto communication done to achieve this print[x]; }
[edit]mIRC Script (aliases)
helloworld echo Hello, world!
[edit]mIRC Script (remote)
alias helloworld echo Hello, world!
[edit]mIRC Script (popups)
Hello World:echo Hello, world!
[edit]mIRC Script (command line)
/echo Hello, world!
//echo Hello, world!
[edit]Model 204
BEGIN PRINT 'Hello, world!' END
MODULE Hello; FROM InOut IMPORT WriteLn, WriteString; BEGIN WriteString ("Hello, world!"); WriteLn END Hello.
This requires that you be the player or a wizard:
notify(player, "Hello, world!");
This is specific to the implementation of the core used for the moo, but works on most well known moos, such as LambdaCore or JH-Core:
player:tell("Hello, world!");
"Hello, World!" $
[edit]MS-DOS batch
(with the standard interpreter. The @ symbol is optional and prevents the system from repeating the command before executing it. The @ symbol must be omitted on versions of MS-DOS prior to 3.0.). It's very common for batchfiles to start with two lines of "@echo off" and "cls".
@echo Hello, world!
For MS-DOS 3.0 or lower
echo off cls echo Hello, world!
: main me @ "Hello, world!" notify ;
WRITE 'Hello, world!' END
WRITE 'Hello, world!'.
The easiest way to get Nemerle print "Hello, world!" would be that:
System.Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!");
however, in bigger applications the following code would be probably more useful:
using System.Console; module HelloWorld { Main():void { WriteLine("Hello, world!"); } }
Oberon is both the name of a programming language and an operating system.
Program written for the Oberon operating system:
MODULE Hello; IMPORT Oberon, Texts; VAR W: Texts.Writer; PROCEDURE World*; BEGIN Texts.WriteString(W, "Hello, world!"); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf) END World; BEGIN Texts.OpenWriter(W) END Hello.
Freestanding Oberon program using the standard Oakwood library:
MODULE Hello; IMPORT Out; BEGIN Out.String("Hello, world!"); Out.Ln END Hello.
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